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Wi-Fi technologies

Improve Your Wi-Fi Speed in 7 Simple Steps

The world now has become technical and virtual. People prefer to work from home. We have thousands of streaming apps and platforms for online entertainment. There are countless video games available, and then there’s social media.

It’s not unknown to everyone that the above-mentioned activities require the internet. Technically, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that in the current age, a slow internet means a slower life. Imagine lagging on your game, missing an important video call due to slow internet, or binging Netflix at super low quality. That’s frustrating.

Nevertheless, these problems speak for a faster internet connection. In this guide, we’ll have a look at 7 simple steps that can significantly enhance the speed of your Internet connection.

1  Give Your Router a Break!

Internet devices need a break every now and then for their optimal performance. These devices can accumulate unnecessary data over time that causes the internet or wifi to become slow. The process of turning your internet router off and on also eradicates any glitches.

Continuous operation for days makes your internet device ineffective in managing traffic. Resultantly, there can be internet congestion. So it’s advisable to give your router a break periodically for at least 30-60 seconds. You can simply carry out this process by turning your router off, unplugging the wire, and then waiting for 30-60 seconds before plugging it back.

2. Is Your Router Sitting Comfortably?

A router facing downwards will be unable to bring out Internet signals effectively. Similarly, metal tiles, water bodies, and stones placed right in front of the router can cause the wifi signals to obstruct before they go anywhere. Wi-Fi signals can also be obstructed by certain electrical devices like microwaves, Bluetooth devices cordless phones, etc.

It’s advisable to remove any interrupting devices from the room if you want high-speed internet. Furthermore, always make sure to place your router in a central location of the home rather than an edge. This will help in delivering fast internet connection in all directions. Lastly, don’t place the router near a bathroom, a fish tank, or underneath furniture.

3. Give some Respect to Cables!

The discovery of wireless internet was revolutionary. People got quite a lot of convenience and they were able to use the internet at various locations. But even up to this day, Wi-Fi signals have drawbacks that cables don’t, and vice versa.

Cables provide internet via wired and secured pathways. Not only are they effective in reducing data breaches, internet through cable cannot be obstructed easily. The only downside is that your vacancy is limited, but that problem can be eradicated easily. Simply connect your main desktop which requires heavy data output to the cable, and other devices can stay connected through Wi-F.

4. Say Goodbye to Your Old Router

Don’t get dramatic over this. Your router might have helped you through difficult situations, but if you think it’s getting old, give the old device a retirement. Internet technologies significantly improve every now and then and better devices get introduced into the market.

It’s advisable to make good use of these new technologies for a seamless and fast connection. Mesh Routers are really helpful in providing fast internet over larger areas. These devices consist of one main router that works seamlessly with wireless repeaters to extend Wi-Fi coverage.

5. Give Your Router a Wi-Fi extender

If saying goodbye to your old router is too much for you to handle, you can always get a Wi-Fi extender. These devices are relatively cheaper and cost-effective. Moreover, the installment process is easy and you’ll be able to set it up yourself without the help of a technician.

Wi-Fi extenders can go to a spare wall socket. They connect to the Wi-Fi from your router and extend its range. Although these devices won’t be as reliable as signals from your main router, they’re still effective with a few considerations. Position these devices according to tip#2 and you’ll be good to go.

6. Consider Band Switching

Modern routers operate on two primary frequency bands: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. The 2.4 GHz band, offers a better range but it can be crowded easily. Moreover, it is prone to interference. Conversely, the 5 GHz band provides faster speeds but has a shorter range. By understanding these differences, users can manually switch between bands based on their specific needs.

If you’re facing temporary interference or congestion, seamlessly transitioning from 2.4 GHz to 5 GHz, or vice versa, can enhance internet performance. The new frequency band will show up as a separate connection on your device, labeled as either 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz in front of your network name.

7. Use Alternat Wi-Fi Channels

The 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands are further divided into multiple channels, with 11 in the former and 45 in the latter. While routers often automatically select the best channel, in some cases manual adjustments may be necessary to avoid interference.

If you share a channel with neighbors in the 2.4 GHz band, it can impact Wi-Fi speeds. If you’re a Mac user, you can find the best channel through Wireless Diagnostics. On the other hand, Windows users can utilize PowerShell commands or apps like NetSpot to hunt the optimum Wi-Fi channel.

Afterward, you need to change the channel. This can be done by accessing your router’s online interface by entering its IP address in a web browser. Then go to Wi-Fi settings, and select the preferred channel for enhanced connectivity and faster Wi-Fi speeds.


How to Increase Wi-Fi speeds?

To increase Wi-Fi speed, consider rebooting your router, optimizing its placement, and switching to less congested frequency bands.

Why is my Wi-Fi so slow?

If you’re facing slow Wi-Fi speeds, interference, outdated routers, or improper placement are most likely the culprits. To solve this issue, consider troubleshooting steps, like changing channels or upgrading hardware

How to Boost my Wi-Fi speed?

You can easily boost your Wi-Fi speed by using various Wi-Fi extenders, changing to a better router, and placing the router in the correct way.


To sum up, slow internet speeds can result from various problems like internet congestion, interference, and signal obstruction. You can significantly enhance the speed of your Wi-Fi connection by placing the Wi-Fi router effectively, using Wi-Fi extenders, or through some technical ways like switching band frequency or channel.

The above-mentioned tips will help you through this process and you’ll never have to face a slow-speed Wi-Fi ever again!

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