Wi-Fi technologies

What Is a Good Internet Speed for Gaming?

You don’t actually need an astonishing gigabyte internet for gaming. In fact, broadband internet is sufficient to meet most of your needs. Broadband, according to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), is characterized by a minimum download speed of 25 megabits per second (Mbps) and upload speeds of at least 3 Mbps. So an internet speed of 25 Mbps is sufficient in most cases.

However, if you’re really into the ideal gaming experience, 100 Mbps will be more than enough. With this much speed, you can enjoy a 4K gaming experience with no signs of lag at all and enjoy seamless high-speed internet on multiple devices as well.

But it’s not that simple. There are several other factors you should consider as well. So let’s have a detailed look at the optimum internet speed for gaming.

Jargon Buster

Before we go into the details, let’s have a look at some gaming-related words and see what they actually mean.

Mbps or Megabits per Second

Mbps, or megabits per second, measures the speed of data flowing between you and the web service. A higher Mbps indicates faster download or upload speeds.

Download and Upload Speed

Download speed is the rate at which data travels from a server to your device. It affects activities like streaming Netflix or playing online games. More Mbps means faster downloads. On the other hand, upload speed measures the rate data travels from one device to another. Fast upload speeds enhance the overall online experience.


Since ping and latency, are both measured in milliseconds (ms), most people think that they refer to the same thing. However, it’s not true. Ping refers to the one-way journey time of a signal from one device to another on the same network. Latency, on the other hand, measures the round-trip time for the ping signal to return to the originating device. The optimum latency should fall between 15-60ms. Improving latency is crucial for a smoother gaming experience.


Ping measures the time it takes for a signal, initiated by a player’s command (like pressing a key for movement), to receive a response. In gaming, keystrokes like W, S, A, and D control character movements—good ping results in swift responses. Conversely, a high ping causes delays, hindering quick and precise character movements. Optimal ping falls between 15-45ms


Exceeding 100ms of latency can lead to gameplay issues like lag. It indicates an internet connection slower or of lower quality than needed for effective gameplay. The primary impact of lag is delayed responses to your commands. Even a slight delay could cost you a strategic position, as your commands are not executed instantly. Moreover, if lag accumulates during a match, it can result in severe issues such as screen freezes, abrupt jumps to previous plays, or even expulsion from the game.

How many Mbps do I Need for Gaming?

Now let’s address the main question here, ”What is fast internet speed for gaming?” For most gamers, 25 Mbps is more than enough to provide a seamless and lag-free gaming experience. Even if you have multiple devices connected to the same internet, this won’t cause any high ping issues.

If you can compromise a little on the graphics settings, basic internet speeds from 3-5 Mbps will be. But if you want the ideal sing experience with no signs of lag, an internet speed of 50-100 Mbps will do the job. This speed will allow a seamless 4k gaming experience across multiple devices. FPS enthusiasts can have their best time playing their chaotic games with this internet.

Minimum Speed Requirements for Gaming Consoles

The following table provides the minimum speed requirements for the Nintendo Switch, Steam Link, Xbox, and PlayStation. These speeds correspond to the manuals provided by the customer support of each platform.

Gaming Console

Minimum Upload Speed

Minimum Download Speed

Steam Deck

3 Mbps

3 Mbps


0.5 Mbps

3 Mbps

Nintendo Switch

1 Mbps

3 Mbps

Play Sation

2 Mbps

3 Mbps

It should be considered that the speeds mentioned above are the minimum requirements. With high speed, you’ll obviously get better gaming experience.

Important Considerations for Optimum Gaming Experience

For those seeking an optimal, lag-free gaming experience, consider adhering to the following tips.

Prefer Ethernet rather than Wi-Fi

Ethernet is superior to Wi-Fi in terms of speed. With ethernet, internet connectivity is provided through secure cables. Not only does it negate the concept of data breaches, but the internet vis Ethernet is also immune to signal obstruction. If you’re using Wi-Fi for gaming, the internet signals will get obstructed.

A metal surface, water body, or stone placed in the way of the router will cause signal obstruction. Furthermore, there’s always a risk of internet congestion. So it’s advisable to choose Ethernet over Wi-Fi for gaming.

Give the Internet Device a Reset Before every Gaming Session

Internet devices can accumulate unnecessary data over time. They can also manage to get some sort of glitches. Moreover, these devices can get cereal updates. And if you continue to use the internet with all these problems, it might result in a high latency and high lag gaming experience.

The issue can be resolved with a simple restart. Power off your internet devices the modem and the router. Plug the cables from the electricity outlet and wait for 30-60 seconds before plugging them back in.

Change Your Sever

Ensure you’re connected to the nearest server, as geolocation significantly impacts latency. The distance is a key factor. Most games provide instructions in their menu for server changes.  Make sure to opt for the closest one as it can enhance game stability.

Don’t Multitask

Multitasking can be a disaster. So avoid doing it while you’re enjoying your game. Even if you have other applications running in the background, they can significantly affect the overall gaming experience. Additionally, consider the number of users connected to your network; activities like streaming, online shopping, watching TV, and remote work can contribute to slowdowns. If you’re coping with an Internet speed of 3-5 Mbps, other gamers on the same network will also impact overall speed.


In a nutshell, if you want an optimum gaming experience, an internet speed of 25 Mbps will be sufficient. Serious gamers can also opt for 50-100 Mbps for a flawless 4K gaming experience. Prioritize Ethernet over Wi-Fi as it can further enhance the gaming environment.

Moreover regularly resetting internet devices and being mindful of network congestion contribute to maintaining an optimal connection. Ultimately, the right internet speed, coupled with strategic considerations, ensures an enjoyable, lag-free gaming experience.

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